
Branch Saddles


Adapter Bushes equal, PVC-U (S x R)

Adopter Unions, PVC-U malleable iron(S x Rp)

Flange Adaptor Socketed


Tees 90 DEG Equal

Tapping Saddles with Integral Cutter with Female Thread

Tapping Saddles with integral Cutter

Branch Saddles

Repair Saddles

Diaphragm valve type 514 PVC-U With solvent cement sockets metric

Check valve type 562 PVC-U With solvent cement sockets metric

Butterfly valve type 567 PVC-U Hand lever with ratchet settings

Ball valve coloro type 355-PVC-U With solvent cement socket metric

Ball valve type 546 PVC-U With solvent cement socket metric

Flat Gaskets

Backing Flanges, PVC-U

Flange Adaptors, PVC-U(S)

Caps, PVC-U(S)

Adapter Nipples, PVC-U (SPG x R)

Adopter Unions, PVC-U malleable iron(S x R)

Adopter Unions, PVC-U Brass (S x R)

Unions, PVC-U(S x S), O-Ring: EPDM

Elbows 90 DEG, PVC-U (S x RP)

Hexagon Nipples, PVC-U

Socket equal, PVC-U(S x S)

Tees 45 DEG, PVC-U(S x S x S)

Adaptor Sockets, PVC-U(S x S)

Adopter Unions, PVC-U Brass(S x Rp)

Adopter Sockets, Female Thread PVC-U(S x RP)

Bends 90 DEG, PVC-U(S x S)

Reducing Sockets, (S x S)

Reducing Bushes,(SPG x RP)

Reducing Bushes, PVC-U(SPG x S)

Reducing Bushes Short, PVC-U(SPG x S)

Crosses, PVC-U(S x S x S x S)

Tees 90 DEG equal, PVC-U(S x S x S)

Elbows 45 DEG, PVC-U(S x S)

Elbows 90 DEG, PVC-U(S x S)